Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The art of laziness....

OK so it has been awhile, seems that the fall has brought on laziness! Even for me at my young age I am learning this age old art! Gotta say I'm loving it. Lazing on the couch watching TV with the family, dark dreary days......what can I say. Well update update right? Well I had my 2nd back of shots, which really is my 3rd set of shots! I don't know how they sucked me into this one....but apparently I was too young when i got the 1st set so it was like pouring water on water with no benefit to me. I still need one more next week then OFF TO THE DOG PARK!!!!!!!!!! My pawrents won't take me till i have had them all done. Ha they expose themselves all the time to people that are walking around with the flu and stuff but i seem to be the protected one. Oh another thing is i had a hot spot when i went for my last shots so i had to walk around with a CONE HEAD! Talk about embarrassing. I love to sniff at the dirt and stuff too so I was using it as a shovel when I sniffed the ground and would toss dirt in my face.........NO NO not on purpose!!!! I'm so glad that is off now~ Have a great day!