Tuesday, December 27, 2011

DIET.............did I eat treats..........

Well the busy Christmas season is over, pressies are all unwrapped and I hear words of diet........yes Mum did eat far too many treats. She needs those expansion pants to go to work in today and nothing no matter what she does is going to help. We do have a large shoe horn and I am sure with the three of us pugs we could manage to get her in the pants she last wore a week ago but it it too much of a struggle, plus the cupcake look was so last year.

I on the other hand watched my waist line............well not really. Grandma came on Chritmas Eve and spent the night with us which was great....I love my Grandma so much and watched her every move. When her elbow bent I knew that she would be getting food and passing me some too..........potatoe chips! My new favorite but just little bits....not even a whole chip but those little morsals were heaven.

Once again my beloved Gingerbread Man has arrived....he smells a bit different and is not full of holes, missing stuffing ect. I do believe he is a new one for me to love so much..........I was so excited I thought my eyes were going to pop out of my head.

Well best get going....hear Mummy rumbling in the kitchen and we gots to watch her good to keep her mouth shut to the calories.......anyone know how to stitch it up?

Love Olivia :)


  1. OMP that same thing is going on here at my house only apparently it is Mum and ME that are starting a new DIET!!!!!!!!!

    OMP I am gonna starve!


  2. We are all a bit tubby too lol.....but Mum has tipped the scale again and she is totally out of control....she had lost 30 pounds until the beginning of this year ....... and she is seeming to find alot of those pounds again.Good luck on your diet Winston.
