Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stuck in the snow and still at it.....

Me in one of the coats Mum made for us <3

Well we got some of the white stuff last nite....and then rain on top of it.
Doesn't make for a good fluffy run in it.....makes for cold paws!!! We haven't been out much, expecially Ms Olivia that would rather stay curled up in the house with a blanket on her! She is a fair weather girl that is for sure.
Dad had gone out for the nite so Mum said that she is going to stip out the bedroom closets and clean them out.........what is up with that! I just hope she doesn't get lost in the bedroom doing it! She has already advised us that it is a no bedroom day for us as there is too much to get into.......................BORING!
bored Issy.....

1 comment:

  1. Yup... we gots the same stuff heres. I hates that kinda snow it is no fun for walking ins. I did a post all abouts it.

    PS luv the coat

